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11.11 Past Report & Strategy

【Posted on: 2020 October】

Singles’ Day (11.11) – The Mother of All E-Commerce Holidays.

2020 will marks the 12th anniversary of 11.11 Global Shopping Festival. The shopping festival, started as an Alibaba phenomenon, has spread beyond Tmall and Taobao to other e-commerce operators, as well as bricks-and mortar stores. What should business know ahead of Singles’ day 2020?

Key content:

  • Key results of 11.11 Global Shopping Festival in 2019
  • 11 Insight data for vertical industry
  • Social Media Marketing insight about 11.11
  • KOL Marketing insight about 11.11
  • How can mini-programs / live-streaming help this year?
  • What marketing ideas will work best for 11.11

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