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November 24, 2022

WeChat Brand IP Interactive Ad - World Cup IP Advertisement

WeChat Brand IP Interactive Ad – World Cup IP Advertisement

WeChat Brand IP Interactive Ad – World Cup IP Advertisement With the upsurge of the Qatar World Cup 2022, Vivo released an eye-catching WeChat moment ad which is known as IP advertisement or out-of-frame advertising, which the video of the ad is breaking through the video border, similar with a feeling of watching the outdoor […]

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Toutiao - Btyedance China News and Information Content Platform

Toutiao – Btyedance China News and Information Content Platform

Toutiao – Btyedance China News and Information Content Platform Toutiao is a news data mining and AI-based news recommendation aggregator platform, it recommends information to users from various media sources and provides service products that connect people and information. Toutiao was developed by Beijing ByteDance Technology Co., Ltd., founded by Zhang Yiming in March 2012,

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2022 China Maternity and Baby Industry User Insights

2022 China Maternity and Baby Industry User Insights

2022 China Maternity and Baby Industry User Insights With China’s latest policy in encouraging childbirth, the proportion of newborn second children in China has increased, which in turn has promoted the growth of the scale of the maternal and baby industry. Analysys and Baidu Marketing jointly released the “2022 Internet Maternity and Baby Industry User

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2022 China Enterprise Marketing Transformation Roadmap

2022 China Enterprise Marketing Transformation Roadmap

2022 China Enterprise Marketing Transformation Roadmap Marketing digitalization is an indispensable part of an enterprise’s digital strategy and an important part of the development of the digital economy. According to the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), the scale of China’s digital economy in 2021 has reached 45.5 trillion, accounting for 81.7% of

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2022 Xiaohongshu Marketing Trends

2022 Xiaohongshu Marketing Trends

2022 Xiaohongshu Marketing Trends Weiboyi published the “Marketing Trend of Xiaohongshu Platform” in 2022, which analyses the marketing value of Xiaohongshu, its launch trend, direction and recommendations in detail. Here is an overview of the highlights of the report: 1. Xiaohongshu users are heavily involved in content production, mostly young upper-class women, spreading to various

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2022 China Basketball Consumption Trends and Insight

2022 China Basketball Consumption Trends and Insights

2022 China Basketball Consumption Trends and Insights In China, basketball is one of the sports with the highest participation and a broad user base. From the basketball audience perspective, the percentage of 6 to 65-year-olds in China who play basketball is about 11%, and the percentage is even higher in the 6 to 17-year-old group,

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