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App of the month –TMALL

What is Tmall?

Tmall (www.tmall.com) is a business of Alibaba Group, it was first introduced by Taobao in April 2008 as Taobao Mall and renamed as Tmall in 2011, Tmall caters to consumers looking for branded products and a premium shopping experience. A large number of international and Chinese brands and retailers have established storefronts on Tmall. It has established itself as the destination for quality, brand-name goods catering to increasingly sophisticated Chinese consumers and is the most visited B2C online retail website in China.

Alibaba china retail marketplaces milestones

Tmall Key Facts and Stats:

  • Mobile Monthly User: 666 million
  • B2C Market share: 60.9%
  • Physical Goods GMV Growth: 45%
TMALL overview

Tmall user profiles and demographics

  • >75% Tmall users are Young millennials (<30 years old)
  • >70% Tmall users are distributed in 1st & 2nd tier cities

What are the benefits of using Tmall?

Tmall drives China retails sales growth. Since Tmall is a trusted name for Chinese consumers, using the platform to sell products can help client instantly build some of that trust for own brand. And Tmall offers some unique marketing features like livestreaming and news feeds similar to those on Facebook. So this creates an interactive platform that people actually check and shop with regularly.


Some of brands operating on Tmall’s platform

TMALL Seller

Promoting your brands on Tmall with ads formats

Banner ads & Pop-up ads


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