App of the month – Douban

Douban aims to offers “lifestyle and culture” products and services for white-collar urbanites and college students. A large proportion of which are reviews of books and movies in addition to art and hobby-related content. The content has shaped the development of Douban and it has increasingly attracted user interest over time.
Douban platform value:
- 200 million registered users
- 500 million MAU
- 800 million DPV
Douban User:
- Highly educated and internationalised (82.9% of users have a bachelors degree, or above, 30% have a background of studying abroad)
- Focused on developed cities/countries (1st – tier cities/new 1st – tier cities and overseas developed countries)
- Majority of the users comprises of those born between 1985 to 1995, accounting for more than 86%)
- The ratio of men and women is balanced, close to 1:1 (47.7% males, 52.3% females)
Douban Major Section:
- Douban Knowledge
- Douban Music/Douban FM
- Douban Reading
- Douban Movie
- Douban Writing
- Douban Group
- Douban Event
- Douban E-commerce

Douban Ad Type:
Open screen ads & Banners ads
(Multiple images/Large images)

Douban Content Marketing:
Online+Offline creative campaigns (OnePlus Mobile phone as an example)
Result: Comprehensive online & offline exposure with over 250 original manuscripts and 2.06 billion exposure.

Online: Create a trend music week

Offline: exposure activities
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