Can you register for Xiaohongshu as a Hong Kong or overseas company without a Mainland Chinese business license? How?
【Posted on: 2019 March】

The answer is yes! To register for Xiaohongshu account, you just need your company information, business certification, financial information and brand information.
Company information should include manager contact information, business address (as Xiaohongshu will send contract and invoices to this address), mode of trade (domestic/cross-border) and delivery service areas.
Business certification refers to your BR (Business Registration certificate) or Certificate of incorporation or other registration.
Financial information should include your bank account details such as bank, account number, bank address, currency, and overseas banking information such as SWIFT code or IBAN if applicable. If your bank address is in South Korea, you’ll need to fill in a banking manager contact number.
Brand information refers to opting to open your account as a standalone brand or a multi-brand store. If you’re a brand or brand-authorized merchant, you’ll have to choose the standalone brand option; if you have multiple brands under your business, you must choose the multi-brand store option.
Of course, the easiest way to open a Xiaohongshu account and get started right away is to get in touch with the OctoPlus Media team. Contact us today and start leveraging one of China’s largest and fastest-growing ecommerce apps for your #marketing efforts.
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