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SOGOU: Top China Search Engine, Subsidiary of Tencent

What is Sogou?

Sogou l OctoPlus Media
Sogou, translates as “searching dog”, is a Chinese search engine that was launched back in the year of 2004, and is currently the second-largest search engine in China. As of 2021 May, Sogou holds around 20.14% market share, behind Baidu.


  • Monthly Active Users: 506 million
  • Market share in mobile search in China: 18.5%
  • Market share of PC input software: 98.5%
  • Market share of mobile input software: 70.9%
Sogou l OctoPlus Media

Sogou has the unique advantage of integrating social content from QQ and WeChat into their search engine results, whereas those contents are not available to the other search engines. This puts Sogou in a unique position to attract social media savvy locals and provide an abundance of search results. On the other hand, all QQ browsers also use Sogou as their default search engine.

Sogou has leveraged their most popular Chinese input software, Sougou Pinyin and allow brands to feature customizable widgets with product images and links where users can type in a brand’s name, offering brands direct visibility to the users.

Ad Format:

  • Sogou Brand Zone
Sogou Brand Zone l OctoPlus Media
  • Sogou Paid Search Ads
Sogou Paid Search Ads l OctoPlus Media
  • Sogou Pinyin – PC & Mobile input banner ads

When users type in certain keywords, the banner ads will be triggered, as seen from below:

Sogou Pinyin l OctoPlus Media

Ranked at top 3 app with more than 400 million of daily active users, it provides brands with opportunity for brand exposure, as well as instant call-to-action to attract potential customers.

Contact us now if you wish to learn more about Sogou!

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