How OctoPlus Media ensures the reliability of ad placements?
Discover how OctoPlus Media ensures accurate and reliable data-driven ad placements using proprietary technologies, machine learning, and contextual adaptation.
Optimize Your Ad Impact with OctoPlus Media's Data-Driven Ad Placements.
OctoPlus Media ensures the accuracy and reliability of its data-driven ad placements through several key features:
- Proprietary China Data Bank™ and Ad Technology Platform: OctoPlus Media combines its own extensive programmatic media buying platforms with its precise and comprehensive China Data Bank™, enabling accurate audience targeting and maximizing advertising impact.
- Integrations with Google’s TensorFlow: OctoPlus Media integrates with Google’s TensorFlow, their machine learning framework, to verify impressions. The data is processed locally and only sends a true/false value back to OctoPlus, ensuring the reliability of the data.
- Capturing Extensive Data Points: Every 2 minutes, OctoPlus Media captures 75 data points from its screens to dynamically change content and enhance the rideshare experience. This data is used to optimize ad placements and ensure relevance.
- Adapting to Context: OctoPlus Media’s screens have the unique ability to adapt to the context, such as location and time of day, creating a more thoughtful and relevant advertising experience. For example, screens in New York’s Financial District on a rainy Monday at 6am would have different games, ads and survey content than screens near JFK International Airport on a Thursday night at 9pm.
- Leveraging Machine Learning: OctoPlus Media uses machine learning to optimize ad placements and ensure relevance. The company’s AI Engine is used for lookalike audiences, product recommendations, dynamic creative optimization, and predictive bidding.
- Providing Transparency and Control: OctoPlus Media ensures complete transparency and control over ad inventory for its clients. Publishers can access premium buyers through private marketplaces (PMPs), use real-time bidding (RTB) auctions for unsold inventory, and enjoy competitive pricing through programmatic direct sales.
By combining its proprietary data platform, machine learning capabilities, and contextual adaptation, OctoPlus Media is able to deliver accurate and reliable data-driven ad placements that maximize the impact of its clients’ campaigns.
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It’s a team with one single shared goal, which is our client’s success. Deliver results for your business now.