Difference between WeChat Mini Program and H5 微信小程序與H5頁的區別
Welcome to our Cantonese edition of China Marketing Academy. In this video, our Cantonese WeChat marketing coach, Hilson will talk about the difference between WeChat Mini Program and H5.
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Cover topics:
Knowledge and strategies for eCommerce marketing in China – B2C market in China, marketing tools in China, etc.
◆ Hilson Hong
China Marketing & Cross Border Ecommerce Coach
Hilson has previously worked at WeChat, had taken care of many crossborder WeChat projects such as Mannings mini program mall, Heytea mini program overseas payment; Macau electronic consumer voucher…
Now with OctoPlus Media, Hilson would like to help Global brands leverage a mix of innovative marketing solutions to succeed in China.
微信小程序有超過60個自有流量入口。微信“搜一搜”的搜索窗口,線下掃小程序碼,甚至是聊天窗口下拉的歷史訪問記錄等都可以進入小程序。用戶可以很方便的開啟和使用。相比較之下,H5就沒有那麼多方式。商家需要做持續的推廣才可以令用戶能夠 有打開頁面的途徑。從這一點來說,H5這種方式的引流效果就不如小程序便捷。
想了解更多,關注我們的頻道,獲取更多WeChat marketing知識。
Learning from China Marketing Academy? You will never regret doing so because you will:
- Equip yourself with the latest trends and strategies and develop your career by producing better marketing results for your company.
- Expand your knowledge of Chinese digital marketing by learning new skills and filling in the gaps.
- Create more possibilities for yourself. Understanding the ins and outs of effective marketing in China is important for any organization seeking to grow internationally.
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