Do you really know the differences between WeChat Mini Program & H5 page
【Posted on: 2019 October】

H5 pages are very common in our daily life, and there is not much difference either on development cost or on production time from WeChat mini program. So how should you choose between WeChat Mini Program and H5 page development?
1. User experience
Although mini-program classifies as a light application, there’s little difference in the user experience of native ads. User original data and records are automatically saved and will not get lost by the operational interruption.
On the other hand, H5 requires reloading every time we open a page, which means the H5 page has poorer using experience when it comes to the fact that we have to restart page again when there is an operational interruption.
2. Traffic acquisition
WeChat mini program has self-contained traffic with up to 60 traffic entries. From Wechat Search (Sou Yi Sou) to QR code scanning, to even historical records, it’s easy to find the entry. While the H5 page has no self-contained traffic and requires continuous promotion. There is no browse record also. In general, the H5 page is a bit trickier to acquire traffic.
Summary – The differences between WeChat mini program and WeChat H5 mainly focus on user experience and traffic acquisition. Mini program is more friendly for promotion in WeChat Eco System. H5 is not a bad choice if we just do a simple branding display. But of course, outside of WeChat Eco, H5 cannot be easily replaced by mini-programs.
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