How can you rename WeChat official account?
【Posted on: 2019 March】

Want to rename WeChat official account? Look no further! Naming resubmission can be done for all non-verified corporate official numbers during the account verification process. Additionally, if the corporate account has been verified, the name can be changed during an annual review. If the naming change is done outside of the annual review period, a fee of 300 yuan will be charged.
While changing the name of a corporate WeChat public account is uncomplicated and without usage restrictions, (personal numbers can only be changed twice annually), several common issues tend to arise. 1. All new names must adhere the naming guidelines, such as with regards to trademark restrictions. If this is not properly dealt with, it can result in a huge wastage of time. 2. All historical naming records will not be deleted, and will be fully accessible.
Should you have any questions about naming changes, feel free to contact the experienced OctoPlus team to help resolve any difficulties that you may face.
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