How do I register for a WeChat public account without a China business license?
【Posted on: 2019 March】

If you do not own a China business license or if your company is situated overseas without a China-based public bank account, it is possible to go through a Chinese company representative. While this method was popular initially, it becomes harder after a WeChat revamp. We have a better method! First register for a WeChat public account, followed by subsequent upgrades. These upgrades include WeChat Pay, WeChat Mall and more, with direct payment features. Currently, only the international version of WeChat has the most compliance.
While registration is free, Tencent will charge an annual fee of US$99 for certification. In addition to the business license, applicants will also need to fill out a “WeChat Official Account Registration and Verification Application Form” You can download it here.
For overseas companies, the registration process will be more cumbersome. Fret not! With our deep experience in registering for WeChat public accounts, WeChat Pay and related functions, OctoPlus will guide you along every step of the way to ensure marketing success for your firm in China.
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