If I have a company registered in China, how do I register for a WeChat public account? Is it free?
【Posted on: 2019 March】

If you currently own a registered company in China, congratulations! You are on your first step in registering for either a WeChat subscription or service account. The best thing is, application is completely free! Aside from an additional 300 yuan fee for corporate certification, the basic requirements include a certified business license and most importantly, your company’s bank account in China. This is crucial as during the account verification process, Tencent will send money to your bank account for payment verification.
Next, there must be an employee situated within China who holds a Chinese ID card, a WeChat-payment bounded account and a China-based mobile phone number for phone verification. Most overseas clients suffer a loss in contact upon the departure of their administrator (either a former employee or agency worker), so please deal with this step carefully.
With our wealth of experience in helping overseas companies register for WeChat public accounts and its related applications, let OctoPlus guide you along this journey to your marketing success in China.
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