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Maimai: Marketing on China's LinkedIn, Top Career and Social Networking Platform for B2B Collaboration in China

Maimai, often referred to as China’s counterpart to “LinkedIn,” was introduced in October 2013. This real-name authentication workplace social platform boasts a user base of more than 110 million professionals. It offers a “well-known professional certification” and leverages a “personal network engine” to empower Chinese professionals in broadening their connections, facilitating job applications and recruitment, and is dedicated to establishing a platform that fosters “personal network sharing” within the professional sphere.

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Maimai Statistics:

🔎 31.57 million individual devices per month

🔎590.78 million total monthly usage instances

🔎27.26 million total monthly effective usage time

Comparison with other Chinese professional social networking apps:

  • Percentage of Maimai on independent devices for Chinese professional social networking apps: 97%
  • Percentage of Maimai on the total usage instances for Chinese professional social networking apps: 98%
  • Percentage of Maimai on on the total effective usage time for Chinese professional social networking apps: 91%

Comparison of Maimai (China LinkedIn) to other social media platforms in China

  • The Chinese professional social networking platforms such as 智联招聘、猎聘 , etc:

Maimai incorporates community features and functional modules, distinguishing it from the majority of other platforms that do not offer such attributes.

  • The TOP Chinese social networking platforms such as Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Zhihu, Bilibili, etc:

They serve as versatile community applications, yet they do not tailor their offerings to cater to specific workplace-oriented demographics while Maimai does cater to specific workplace-oriented demographics.

Maimai has strategically attracted “middle and high-end talent” from thriving first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, solidifying its position as a premier professional networking platform. It has also garnered the trust and presence of numerous Fortune 500 and China’s top 500 companies. The platform’s extensive network encompasses over 80 million business elites representing a wide array of industries, spanning financial trade, IT and internet, cultural media, real estate, medical care, education, and more.

Presently, Maimai boasts a robust user base exceeding 110 million registered users, featuring a dynamic content community with 5.7 million posts, and facilitating connections for 7.18 million professionals through its recruitment services. Furthermore, the platform enjoys active engagement from over 100,000 companies.

On the corporate front, Maimai boasts registrations from over 11 million companies, with 1.47 million of them being highly active enterprises. Impressively, 98% of these active companies have workforces exceeding a thousand employees.

Among these registered companies are industry giants such as Huawei, Alibaba, Kuaishou, Meituan, Bytedance, Haier, BMW, Baidu, Microsoft, and many more.

Stay tuned as we continue to share insights on how to effectively market on Maimai and harness its incredible business opportunities.

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