How to Attract Chinese Tourists to Shopping Mall in Hong Kong? | Baidu CSEO
To attract more Chinese tourists to shop in Shopping Mall during Chinese New Year and create trending stores in Hong Kong

To attract more Chinese tourists to shop in the Shopping Mall during Chinese New Year and create trending stores in Hong Kong
- Total 20K of reads of Baidu CSEO article
- Over 130+ engagements gained with the Baidu CSEO article
- Number of customers have improved for the physical stores
Content angles
- HK Shopping Guide during CNY 2019
- Hong Kong Shopping Guide 2019 | Don’t have to go to Tokyo, New York and Paris, just bring her to Hong Kong!
- Hong Kong family shopping guide
SEO keyword
- XXX Mall in Hong Kong: Ranked #1 on Baidu 1st page
- XXX Hong Kong: Ranked #4 on Baidu 1st page
- Hong Kong Shopping Guide 2019: Ranked #5 & #6 on Baidu 1st page