What is WeChat mini programs? What kind of business is suitable for mini programs? 什麽是微信小程序?什麽企業適合微信小程序?
Welcome to our Cantonese edition of China Marketing Academy.
In this video, our Cantonese WeChat marketing coach, Hilson will introduce you to WeChat Mini Programs and what kind of business is suitable for Mini Programs.
小程序是微信APP內的一個工具,我們將它稱之為APPs in APP,用戶無需下載,無需繁瑣的注冊流程就可以使用。小程序的主打優勢是輕量級,不需要大量的開發工作。我們可以見到的市面上衆多優秀的小程序案例都是功能簡單,設計簡潔的。微信用戶通過小程序滿足自己需求,往往只需要簡單的步驟就可以快速完成。
Presented by:

Cover topics:
Knowledge and strategies for eCommerce marketing in China – B2C market in China, marketing tools in China, etc.
◆ Hilson Hong
China Marketing & Cross Border Ecommerce Coach
Hilson has previously worked at WeChat, had taken care of many crossborder WeChat projects such as Mannings mini program mall, Heytea mini program overseas payment; Macau electronic consumer voucher…
Now with OctoPlus Media, Hilson would like to help Global brands leverage a mix of innovative marketing solutions to succeed in China.
- 第一種:服務類,通過小程序進行預約,查詢,點餐……例子就包括酒店預約小程序,政府服務的小程序,外賣或者點餐平台等等。
- 第二種:電商類,很多商家選擇通過微信小程序平台開設線上商店。利用微信生態內的流量進行推廣,並通過微信支付完成購物流程,形成完整購物閉環。
- 第三種:互動類,小程序可以設計一些小遊戲或者抽獎等等的互動功能,除了可以獲得流量之外,很多商家也會利用這種互動功能進行一些促銷推廣活動。
- 第四種:資訊類,有很多原本做公衆號的主體開始建設自己的小程序,在內容的更新和編排上更具靈活性。
Learning from China Marketing Academy? You will never regret doing so because you will:
- Equip yourself with the latest trends and strategies and develop your career by producing better marketing results for your company.
- Expand your knowledge of Chinese digital marketing by learning new skills and filling in the gaps.
- Create more possibilities for yourself. Understanding the ins and outs of effective marketing in China is important for any organization seeking to grow internationally.
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