What’s the difference between WeChat Global Account and WeChat China Account?
【Posted on: 2019 February】

According to the location of the registered company’s business certification, two types of public accounts can be formed. The WeChat Global Account can be registered by foreign companies, while the WeChat China Account can be registered via local enterprises.
For the broadcasting and dissemination of content, there is no significant difference. The main distinction lies in the level of participation for business activities. Mainland China users are limited to viewing only the content displayed by Global Accounts and are unable to participate in any activities or features initiated by them. For Mainland China users, these limitations might act as an impediment in certain areas. For example, in the scenario where the Global Account is incorporated for usage by a China-based shop, such as a restaurant for ordering and checkout purposes, it has to undergo regulatory checks by local financial institutions.
As the first step for cross-border enterprises and companies registered in both domestic and overseas locations that wish to unlock huge business opportunities in China, it is highly advantageous for these firms to apply for the WeChat China Account for the introduction of their company projects, alongside interaction with the local China clientele base. For further business development expansion, the creation of a WeChat Global Account can help you reach WeChat users staying abroad by allowing them to participate in both online and offline promotional activities for stronger and lasting business connections.
Contact our friendly consultants at OctoPlus today to see how we can help your company achieve marketing success in China! Thank you for following OctoPlus WeChat Q&A Series! We look forward to sharing more WeChat-related knowledge with you.
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