What’s WeChat Social “Fission”?
【Posted on: 2019 March】

Most everyone in the China market will have heard of “WeChat fission”. This phrase was first coined 2 years ago and refers to word-of-mouth marketing and viral communication. It’s a growth hacking trick on WeChat. Once a way for small business to grow, even larger brands are following suit, by using social proof through the WeChat ecosystem to spread awareness and drive sales.
It’s widely agreed in the e-commerce industry that social is the way to go. Because of the high acquisition cost through traditional methods, many merchants set up their own Mini Program malls and offer commissions to encourage customers to share recommended goods with friends, turning each customer into a KOL. This “fission” quickly spreads to a wider community. A recent example is the 2017 challenge that Mint Reading issued to its customers – to finish reading 3 original edition English books within 100 days. If you were in China during that period, you’d have found entire circles of friends immersed in this challenge! Sharing their progress not only allowed them to show off on social media but collectively earn 50 million in two months.
To learn more about WeChat social fission, contact us at OctoPlus Media, we look forward to working with you to succeed. Stay tuned to our WeChat Q&A Series to learn more about how you can make WeChat work for your business.
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