XHS Mid-year Beauty Industry Report 2020
【Posted on: 2020 September】
In order to have a better insight into the beauty industry and understand the changes in the beauty industry in 2020, XHS and the international market research company Ipsos jointly published the latest Mid-Year beauty insights Report. The report analyzes the current situation and trend of XHS beauty industry from beauty market insights, beauty user profiles, and marketing suggestions between January and June of 2020. At present, XHS MAU has reached more than 100 million, and the consumption users of beauty makeup content account for 56%, covering various forms of related content sharing such as Graphic & Contest notes, videos and live streaming, etc.
Key Insights from the report:
Beauty market insights
The pandemic has accelerated the online marketing, and the brands have shifted their marketing activities to online marketing, relying more on content communities and short videos / live-streaming. The online marketing mode makes consumers to have a stronger sense of participation and better experience, and further stimulates consumers’ desire for shopping. The beauty industry has returned rapidly since April, and it’s showing an upward trend.

Beauty user profiles
- The consumer group of female beauty content is getting younger.
Of all the female users who read about beauty content, 42% are from new 1st-tier cities, such as Chengdu and Nanjing, as well as 2nd-tier cities. The group has a clear trend of getting younger and expanding to more sinking cities.

- Male beauty content consumer groups are mainly in 1st & 2nd tier cities.
The trends for male beauty content consumers on the XHS app paralleled the women’s, Male uers are young people around 25 years old and mainly in 1st & 2nd tier cities. Men’s preference is for skin care, personal care needs and perfume also ballooned among male users.

Marketing suggestions
- Brands should build trust through KOL as a way to do greater business with consumers (known as the B2K2C loop).
- Good at using high quality beauty bloggers for sharing true feelings and building reputation.
- Combined with the popular topics of beauty cosmetics in the community, to motivate users to share actively.

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